Home 9 Blog 9 External Confidants: The Solution for an Open and Honest Work Culture

External Confidants: The Solution for an Open and Honest Work Culture

Looking for a external confidant? With an external confidant from OnzeVertrouwenspersoon , you offer your employees a safe and neutral space to discuss their concerns with an independent expert who provides guidance and advice on next steps. The primary goal of an external confidant is to support your employees and create a safe and positive work environment.

Our experts not only support your employees but also help you as an employer by:

  • Developing policies
  • Recognizing signs of unwanted behavior
  • Providing training

With one conversation and a fixed annual fee (based on the size of the organization), you’re all set.

Why Choose OnzeCoach Confidants?

  • Certified confidants
  • External and independent
  • Support and guidance
  • Advice and reporting
  • Platform for both confidants and coaching

Key Skills and Characteristics of OnzeCoach Confidants:

  • Independence
  • Knowledge and extensive experience
  • Confidentiality
  • Accessibility
  • Availability

For more information, personal advice, or a free quote, please contact us at info@onzevertrouwenspersoon.nl 

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